MG 5LR Specifications

MG 5LR is a 6% MgFeSi nodulizer that contains 0.3 to 0.6% Total Rare Earths.  The rare earths in this nodulizer are the "balanced" rare earths that contain approximately  50 to 65% cerium, 30 to 40% lanthanum and the balance the residual rare earth elements.  Use of this alloy provides savings in that the amount of rare earths, whose price can be volatile, is lower than in the more common 1% TRE nodulizers.  Although reduced, the rare earths are sufficient to neutralize the effects of deleterious elements in the base iron, and the lower levels make the occurrence of carbides due to overtreatment less likely.  When used with adequate inoculation, nodule counts are not affected.

Chemical Analysis:
Silicon 43.0-48.0%
Magnesium 6.0-6.5%
Rare Earths (total) 0.3-0.6%
Calcium 0.8-1.2%
Aluminum 0.5-1.5%
1 1/4"X 1/4 " Product Code:  325355
5/8" x 18 Mesh Product Code:  325358

Effective Date: 1/29/13


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change